The 70-year-old Kathie Lee Gifford is a formidable presence. An incident recently led this young and enthusiastic woman to the hospital, where she suffered a shattered pelvis. Despite her terrible injuries, she stays positive and motivated to make the most of every opportunity.
Kathie Lee’s accident happened as she was promoting her current book. In her own words, she acknowledges that “I weakened my body… It’s my fault. Like many of us, she was hurrying to see a friend when she stumbled, resulting in a shattered pelvis. The anguish she felt was unfathomable, surpassing that of her prior hip replacement surgery. However, she stays tough and resilient.
Reflecting on her predicament, Kathie Lee recognizes that as we get older, our bodies change, and we have to adjust to new problems. She recognizes the need to slow down and take in the beauty that surrounds us. She says, “You’ve planted a gazillion roses.” “Try to smell them.”
Kathie Lee’s experience has taught her the value of slowing down, even if it is tough. She elected to stay in the hospital for a whole week rather than risk pushing herself too hard. Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to allow ourselves the time and space we require to recover.
Despite setbacks, Kathie Lee stays steadfast in her faith and mission. She acknowledges that every challenge she has encountered has been an integral part of her journey and her destiny. Her new book, “Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior,” demonstrates her commitment to bringing hope to others.
Kathy Lee’s son, Cody, was a big influence in pushing her to share these memories. He reminded her of the importance of spreading optimism and how her words can change people’s lives. In the face of uncertainty about how much time she has left, Kathie Lee prays to be useful and dedicated to accomplishing God’s mission.
Kathie Lee’s tenacity and strong spirit inspire us to slow down and relish the seasons of rest in our own lives. We, too, should take the time to admire the roses we’ve meticulously cultivated throughout the years. Kathie Lee’s tale is an example to all of us, teaching us about tenacity and faith in the face of life’s challenges.